About the Company
PTS is one of the leading service companies,
whose specialists in an alliance with Schlumberger had experience working in the most important facilities of the oil and gas industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The presence of their managerial and production resources, reliance on their own highly qualified personnel,
the use of advanced technologies and engineering solutions from the company “Schlumberger", these are the components of the success
of society in the provision of service and production services in the oil and gas sector of the country.
The company pays due attention to compliance with environmental safety, environmental protection.
A modern approach to work, competencies and a focus on results allow PTS to contribute to the development of the most important industry for Uzbekistan.
At present, PTS is involved in the development of gas wells of Uzbekneftegaz JSC, Epsilon development LLC in Uzbekistan, in terms of the provision of bit services, as well as hydraulic fracturing services.
PTS company - has its own production of components and spare parts for mud pumps.
Technological equipment was purchased for the production of bimetallic bushings, valves, pistons, and pyramidal cassettes for vibrating screens.
In addition, PTS managed to organize the repair and restoration of PDC bits in its production, which in turn affected the speed of the provided bit service.
Also, PTS is the only company in Uzbekistan that, using new technologies, managed to lift difficult oil at the fields of Jarkurganneft.
In its activities, the company is guided by the principle: “openness, brightness, leadership!”

Chinikulov Azamat
Успех не случайность, это тяжелая работа, настойчивость, обучение и прежде всего любовь к тому, что вы делаете.
Главный инженер Компании

Abdujabbarov Avaz
Не только наши заслуги, но и наше уважение к заслугам других позволяют добиться успеха.
Генеральный директор

Yuldashev Dilshod
Крупный успех составляется из множества предусмотренных и обдуманных мелочей.